Friday, April 17, 2020

PB4L lesson on google hangouts

Online learning PB4L

Whāinga Paetae: E ako ana ahau e pā ana ki ngā tikanga i te wā kei runga ahau i te whārangi hui ataata kūkara.
Putanga Ako: Hei te mutunga ka taea e te ākonga whakatinanahia i ngā tikanga o te hui ataata kūkara.

Today was a great day, 18 online line and keen to learn. Our kaupapa was PB4L , the learning was about what is the tikanga while on google hangouts.
One of the tikanga was to mihi mai then mute, which as you can see the students have done.

Ngā mahi Ako:
I matakitaki ngā ākonga i tētahi ripene e whakamārama ana i ngā momo tikanga o te āhuatanga hui ataata Kūkara.

Ngā Mahi Hanga:
Ka whakarite ngā ākonga i tētahi momo whakātūranga ā hiko e pā ana ki ngā tikanga hou.
Pukanakana mai Te Puna Wairua.

Ngā Mahi Tohatoha:
Hei te mutunga ka tohatoha ngā ākonga te pouako hoki i ngā mahi kua akohia i te rā nei mai te whārangi tare rangitaki.


  1. thank you for all the good advice

  2. nice to see everyone communicating

  3. WOW Te Puna Wairua it's great how most of you were together on the hangouts.

  4. Lovely to see so many children attending the hangouts and learning from home. Well done TPW.
